"This is a beautiful story about a brother, a family, and the way we see our world. Written in a breezy, warm, and frequently funny narrative, this book makes us stop and think about the way we see and react to others, not just those on the spectrum, but everyone. Josh and Zach Stehle are both my superheroes. You can't help read this book and feel somehow changed, with perhaps a superpower of your own - the ability to take a new look at the people around us, and appreciate differences as unique and powerful gifts."
"A short but sweet memoir of a young man's life as best friends with his slightly older autistic brother. This is probably the youngest author of a memoir that I have ever read, but it's clear that even though still in college, Josh Stehle already had a lot he wanted to say about life lessons growing up with an autistic family member. He is protective of his brother, and advocates for him and everyone on the spectrum. This memoir includes personal anecdotes, background on the challenges parents of autistic children face in the educational system, and a lot of details about superheroes - including, the author endearingly states, his brother, who has taught him so much about kindness and about doing what is right. That is, after all, what defines a hero."
"I couldn't put this book down! The author does a wonderful job of telling stories that made me laugh, yet they still made me stop and think. Zach is truly inspiring! It is a must read for everyone."
"What an amazing read. I literally couldn’t put it down. I laughed, cried, and left feeling more knowledgeable. This book made me want to be a better person."
"Unconditional love and support shine through in this well written and heartwarming story. You want to be exposed to all the "good feels" that real family love is and should be, then read this book. This book shines a light on active relationship between brothers and in a family that by the end you feel vested in their life and want to follow them on social media to see where their life goes and view the world through their lens. They've found a new fan in me! Highly recommend this book."
"Don't worry if you are not a superhero expert or, if like me, know little about this genre. The book is about so much more. It is about two brothers who obviously have deep love and affection for one another, and enjoy gently teasing and challenging one another. The slightly older brother (Zach) is autistic and the author (Josh) is both his protector and greatest admirer. The book is a quick read, told in a very engaging way, and I'm guessing that you (like me) will not only learn more about autism but also gain insight into how to be more patient, compassionate and kind to others."
"This book is not only about love, but is also about educating people about Autism. This family has left no stone unturned to support Zachary and help him navigate his world. Josh has helped all of us learn more about Autism, along with it’s difficulties and beauty. The patience, and love, that this family has demonstrated, truly has helped Zach. And this book will continue to help many people in the future. Josh has been able to help people see through the eyes of his brother. Kudos to Josh. We all need to learn through Josh’s unfiltered eyes."
"Josh writes in such an authentic style. I would recommend this book to all teens, young adults and parents. I gave it to my daughter to read as soon as I finished it. Kudos Josh and Zach"